

Glass has long been a popular choice for commercial spaces due to its versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. In addition to these benefits, glass can also help improve energy efficiency, increase functionality, and showcase products.
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Insulated glass consists of multiple glass panes. This design helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, reduces energy consumption, and minimises condensation on the glass. Insulated glass is ideal for homes in both hot and cold climates, as it provides excellent thermal insulation and soundproofing.


A hospital space mandates light, brightness and transparency that can aid the healing process faster, while also creating a better working place for the staff. With hygiene, comes good health, and glass being an easy-to-maintain material makes it the perfect contender for use in hospitals.
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Glass has the natural ability to allow ample daylight and safety glass can meet the requisite need for security, making it the preferred choice of material in educational institutions.
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Noise pollution is detrimental to health. It can cause psychological and physiological damage to a person. As a result, noise becomes hostile and can make your environment unpleasant. By using the right glass, architects can decrease the amount of unwanted noise and make your surroundings pleasant. One such important commercial segment where noise pollution needs to be kept at bay is the hospitality industry. Besides noise pollution, high energy bills and excessive light are other major problems faced by players in the restaurant and hotel sector. As the industry focusses on the comfort of their guests, such issues need to be resolved effectively.
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For a generation that is known to work hard and party harder, the leisure space has assumed significance like never before. Malls, Restaurants, Spa, Salon few among many, and have constantly reinvented themselves for a fresh ambience and break the mundane. Keeping with the times, glass has upped its game to create a comfortable and safe material while lending the much stylish and sophisticated grandeur that leisure spaces call for.
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Applied indoors, specifically in retail stores, glass in its different textures, colors, finishes and levels of transparency can allow the unobstructed view of certain products, hide more private areas without blocking the passage of light, and attract the attention of customers as focal points, among many other uses.
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Public places and means of transport are responsible for the security of scores of people frequenting them. A high level of transparency and safety measures need to be in place to ensure a safe environment. Glass, with its unique properties, thus serves as an ideal candidate in these spaces.
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